apa kes?

8 04 2008

last sunday me and yang2 went to Mid Valley after so long haven’t been there. window shopping around, aiming what to buy. and so on. while i was in JUSCO, yang yang wanted to buy a blouse and was queing up to go into the fitting room. there was this couple nearby the que line. at first there was nothing, but thennnnn the guy start. his hands is all over the girl. what the.. are fucking brainless. harlowww kalau lu mau raba dia pun carik lee tempat yang orang lain tak nampak. the people at the que line are disgust with your pathetic behaviour. furthermore the girl is wearing a baju kurung and tudung as well. what the hell? alang2 tu cabut je la  tudung lu lahanat. babi betul. bikin malu je. one more aku terlupa .. minah tu siap pakai stokin tutup aurat lagi. apa nih wei.. how do you expect the rest of the people to respect you.. bila orang sound nanti lu marah. amende leeee. aku rasa macam nak hantuk je kepala mamat tu kat dinding JJ ni. bodo..macam kambing. kambing pon tak bodo macam lu la mamat. pakai otak la skitt.